Creative Bus Stop Advertisements

Creative Bus Stop Advertisements

Collection of creative bus stop advertisements from around the world.

McDonald’s Bus Stop Advertisement

Clever McDonald’s “Open All Night” advertisement. [link]

McDonalds Bus Stop Advertisement

Simpsons Bus Stop Advertisement

Creative advertisement for the Simpsons movie in Germany. [link]

Simpsons Bus Stop Advertisement

F1 Bus Stop Advertisement

Creative F1 bus stop advertisement in Singapore. [link]

F1 Bus Stop Advertisement

F1 Bus Stop Advertisement 2

Quiksilver Bus Stop Advertisements

One of their new ad spaces allow skaters to go on a Quiksilver mini ramp attached to a bus stop. For surfers, there is a bus stop with a surfboard bench with the whole stop containing a whole wave image. [link]

Quiksilver Bus Stop Advertisement

Quiksilver Bus Stop Advertisement 2

Star Wars Bus Stop Advertisement

Spike network has installed Stars Wars faux “light sabers” where the ad would normally go, with the promo text at the bottom. We are instructed to “use only in case of Sith”. [link]

Star Wars Bus Stop Advertisement

IKEA Bus Stop Advertisement

IKEA placed a sofa in a bus stop in Istanbul. [link]

IKEA Bus Stop Advertisement

McDonald’s Bus Stop Advertisement

Just what you want while waiting for the bus: that mouth watering, tantalizing reminder of how much you’d love to stuff your face with a 1,000 calorie burger only to be reminded later by your stomach it wasn’t the best decision you could have made. [link]

McDonalds Bus Stop Advertisement

Real Hip Hop Bus Stop Advertisement

Creative bus stop advertisement. [link]

Real Hip Hop Bus Stop Advertisement

Real Hip Hop Bus Stop Advertisement 2

Australia Post Bus Stop Advertisement

Advertising Agency: M&C Saatchi, Melbourne, Australia

Australia Post Bus Stop Advertisement

Osram Energy Saver Bus Stop Advertisement

This outdoor idea not only embraces the media at its disposal but also gives consumers a realistic world of advice to help tackle the current energy crisis in South Africa. The execution ensures that the consumer interacts with the message when a light is triggered by a sensor as they approach the bus stop - illuminating the shelter as well as the message, which reads: “Only use electricity when you need it”. [link]

Osram Energy Saver Bus Stop Advertisement

Osram Energy Saver Bus Stop Advertisement 2

Playstation Bus Stop Advertisement

Bus station in Malaysia features boards with bubble wrap. [link]

Playstation Bus Stop Advertisement

3M Security Glass Bus Stop Advertisement

3M was so sure their Security Glass was unbreakable, they put a large stack of cash behind it and shoved it in a bus stop. [link]

3M Security Glass Bus Stop Advertisement

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